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HomeRoundTable Discussion on Prospects and Opportunities with Japan (Basis Soft-Expo 2023)

release date : 2023-02-26


RoundTable Discussion on Prospects and Opportunities with Japan (Basis Soft-Expo 2023)

release date : 2023-26-02


RoundTable Discussion on Prospects and Opportunities with Japan (Basis Soft-Expo 2023)

BASIS SoftExpo-2023 has been started at Bangabandhu Bangladesh-China Friendship Exhibition center in the eastern part of the capital. BASIS SoftExpo is the largest and most prestigious technology exhibition in Bangladesh. It is organized by the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), which is the national trade body for software and IT service companies in Bangladesh.

BASIS SoftExpo-2023 has been started at Bangabandhu Bangladesh-China Friendship Exhibition center in the eastern part of the capital. BASIS SoftExpo is the largest and most prestigious technology exhibition in Bangladesh. It is organized by the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), which is the national trade body for software and IT service companies in Bangladesh. The expo brings together local and international IT companies, entrepreneurs, investors, and other stakeholders to showcase their products and services, exchange knowledge and expertise, and explore business opportunities. A RoundTable Discussion on Prospects and Opportunities with Japan held on the third day of 'BASIS SoftExpo-2023'.

The seminar was decorated by the Chief Guest His Excellency Mr. Iwama Kiminori, Ambassador, Japanese Embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh and MD. Shamsul Arefin, Secretary, ICT division was the special guest of the seminar where Mr. Tomohide Ichiguchi, Chief Representative of JICA Bangladesh Office, MR. MD. Mostafa Kamal, Additional secretary, Dept of ICT, Mr. Hikari Kawai, President JBCCI were the guest of honor of the seminar. Mr. Yuji Ando, Chief Representative of JETRO Bangladesh Office was the main keynote speaker of the program and Mr. Anjan Das, President, Japan Bangladesh IT Association, Founder & CEO Kaicom Group and many valuable delegates were the panelist of the seminar.

Kaicom Group is a renowned software and consulting service company in Japan who’s conducting their IT business in Bangladesh since 2018 visited the BASIS SoftExpo 2023 and attended a RoundTable discussion on Prospects and Opportunities with Japan.


On the RoundTable discussion Mr. Anjan Das, President, Japan Bangladesh IT Association, Founder & CEO Kaicom Group shared his precious speech on the current scenario regarding Japan Bangladesh IT situation. He mentioned the current demand of IT engineers in Japan and nowadays many Japanese companies are moving in Bangladesh for their business prospective. Bangladesh is the potential IT market to business, he says.
